TC Portovald, Jiri Volt

'The system contributed to great customer satisfaction, less work for the club and more court reservations!'

TC Triglav Kranj,
Primoz Starc
Primoz Starc

'After the system implementation we have no more troubles with our customers about their used courts, we have less cancellations and recurring terms are easier to manage. It's simple to see who played with who, when and how often. Users can do everything by themselves, they are not bothering our girls anymore. I would love to see every player to use the system.'
Protenex, Zvone Stefe

'It interesting seeing players book at night or early in the morning when there's nobody at the club. The staff accepted online reservations quickly, the system is logical, simple and nowadays 'a must have'.'

ZTC Maribor,
Matjaz Plejic
Matjaz Plejic

'We're currently in a shock due to handling national tournaments but I must say the system works great even in extreme conditions!'
Samo Kreze,
TC Hrastnik
TC Hrastnik

'As I introduced the new online booking system there were lots of questions and doubts if it's going to work. I took quite some time to demonstrate the program to individuals who then tested the system before the season start. When they saw it's simple to use with clear and same rules for everyone they took it for their own. I think that today there is no one in the club who would switch back to the old system. As a manager of TC Hrastnik I can safely say that the introduction of your program was the correct choice that fulfilled my expectations.'

TC Villa Cerea,
Stanka Hren
Stanka Hren

'The system is very simple to use for our players and us - club managers. League players can now schedule their games faster and more efficiently. Wrong reservations are not happening anymore since players can check the reservations by themselves. When I ask our customers what they think of the system they all applaud it!'
Sandi Sorko,
TC Fontana
TC Fontana

'The booking system is great. Players and staff got used to it very quickly. Court reservations are now more accessible and easier to manage. It works flawlessly!'