Select number of courts

Premium plus


Email support

Phone support
Player verification SMS-es
Archive of bookings older than 1 year

Booking queues
Dynamic prices
Custom modifications
* Only pay for the months your club operates in.
* If paid yearly 15% discount applies. Prices above have the discount included.

Features included on every plan

Draggable bookings
Recurring bookings
Daily/Weekly booking limits
Email notifications
Weekly reports
Printable timetable
CSV, Excel data export
Importing members on your behalf
Online payments
Releasing of new days available to book (daily, weekly ...)
Players see their own statistics of play
Marking courts unavailable to play due to rain
Support that 2 or more players need to book one court
Booked term length can be either 60 min or 90 min long on the same timetable
Supported to implement different booking rules for members and coaches
Different levels of access for staff and managers
For specific customisations contact us:
Try for free your booking system now ...